Surprise and Delight: The Emotional Impact of Fortune… | OpenFortune
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06 Sep 2024

Surprise and Delight: The Emotional Impact of Fortune Cookie Advertising

Randy Ginsburg

Let's talk about something we all know and (many of us) love: fortune cookies. These little, crunchy, sugary nuggets of wisdom have been sneaking into our lives for ages, and guess what? They're not just good for a quick chuckle or a philosophical revelation. Enter the world of fortune cookie advertising. Yes, it's a thing. And it's a masterclass in creating emotional connections in marketing.

In today's world, where we swipe away ads faster than a bad Hinge match, fortune cookies offer something different: a personalized experience delivered in a tiny, edible package.

And if you're a brand looking to make a lasting impression, this is your golden ticket (yes, pun intended).

Feeling Special, One Cookie At a Time

Let’s get real—everyone loves feeling special. And what’s more special than cracking open a fortune cookie and finding a message that feels like it was written just for you?

That’s the secret sauce: A personal connection.

After finishing your meal, you don’t just toss the fortune aside; you actually stop, read, and maybe even smile. It’s that moment of surprise and delight that takes an ordinary dinner and turns it into something memorable.

Let’s use the example of the woman who found herself in tears after reading her fortune. It wasn’t the thought of buying new luggage that brought her to tears, but a message that reminded her about traveling with her father that struck a deeply personal chord, transforming Staples from a mere store into a place with emotional significance.

Then there’s the story of Austin Rief, who was knee-deep in a soul-sucking investment banking internship in 2017. After 100-hour workweeks, he found himself alone on July 3rd, with nothing but Chinese takeout.

Desperate for a sign, he cracked open a fortune cookie that read, “A banker is someone who lends you an umbrella when the sun is shining.”

That one-liner hit him like a ton of bricks, confirming what he already knew deep down—banking wasn’t his future. Fifteen minutes later, he texted his co-founder, Alex Lieberman, to figure out how they could take Morning Brew full-time—a decision that led to their eventual $75 million acquisition by Business Insider.

These little slips of paper have the power to nudge people to seize the day and turn ordinary moments into life-altering ones. And when your brand can inspire that kind of action? Game over.

The Ripple Effect: How Fortunes Go Viral

Now let’s talk about the ripple effect of fortune cookies and how they can amplify your brand's existing organic marketing efforts.

When people snap a pic of their fortune and throw it up on Instagram, TikTok, or X, they're not just sharing a quirky message; they're sharing your brand. This kind of organic content is the golden ticket because it's genuine, unprompted, and has that irresistible "look at this cool thing I found" vibe.

Every time someone posts your fortune, it's like dropping a digital breadcrumb for search engines. Those posts get indexed, making your brand pop up more frequently in search results. It's SEO, but without the keyword stuffing and with way more personality.

And here’s the kicker: after reading that fortune, people don't just move on; they get curious. They actively go and search for your brand, wanting to know more.

Unlike a billboard, which might get a glance or two, a fortune cookie lives on in people's feeds, stories, and search engines. It's shared, liked, commented on, and each interaction boosts your brand's visibility online. The best part? You don't have to pay for any of it. Your customers are doing the heavy lifting, spreading your message because they actually want to, not because you're throwing ad dollars at them.

While traditional OOH media might get your brand out there, fortune cookie advertising gives it legs to run, skip, and hop across the internet, all while leaving a trail of organic and social search boosts in its wake. It's the kind of marketing that works while you're sleeping or, better yet, while you're cracking open another fortune cookie.

Proof in Numbers

Alright, so you probably want to see some proof of how the world’s top brands have used fortune cookie advertising to create a tidal wave of engagement, recall, and action. Say less.

We’ll start with Quip. The oral care brand, teamed up with OpenFortune to spread the gospel of good dental habits. Their fortunes, like "Always be prepared for those special moments," hit recipients right after a meal when oral hygiene was top of mind.

The outcome? An impressive 93% of people said Quip's message made them rethink their dental routine. That's the kind of behavior-changing marketing that would make even the Tooth Fairy proud.

Then there’s Manscaped, which achieved over 52 million social impressions from their fortune cookie campaigns. Their witty fortunes like “When you trim the hedges, the tree stands taller” didn’t just make people laugh; they made them share, with 72% unaided recall and a viral effect that other ad campaigns only dream of.

Jockey, the comfort connoisseurs, took a softer approach with their fortunes, focusing on relaxation and well-being. The result? A solid 65.6% unaided recall, with nearly a quarter of recipients turning to Google to learn more about Jockey's products.

“With TV and radio ads, people are being entertained by something they're actively watching or listening to, and you're interrupting it. It's hard to delight people and surprise people anymore. With OpenFortune, there’s no interruption. Consumers are going into the cookie, and it's a surprise and delight, and so they’re specifically engaging with your ad."

Tom Hutchison

VP of Marketing at Jockey

The Lasting Impression

So, what’s the takeaway here? Fortune cookie advertising isn’t just clever. It’s impactful. It creates emotional benefits that traditional advertising just can’t match. By tapping into the power of emotional marketing, you’re creating a moment that people may remember for the rest of their lives.

Ready to make some memorable moments of your own? Get in touch with us, and let’s see what kind of magic we can cook up. (Sorry, had to throw in at least one more pun.)

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