How Fortune Cookie Advertising Outperforms Traditional… | OpenFortune
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26 Sep 2024

Breaking Through: Why Fortune Cookie Advertising Crushes Traditional OOH Media

Randy Ginsburg

Out-of-home (OOH) advertising is like background noise at this point. Billboards, bus wraps, digital screens—they’re all fighting for attention, but let’s be real, most of us are more focused on dodging potholes. When everything blends in, standing out feels like trying to win a staring contest with a cat.

But what if there was a smarter, more personal way to grab attention? Something that actually connects with people instead of just hoping they’ll glance up from their phone?

Cue fortune cookie advertising.

Picture this: your brand’s message inside a fortune cookie, waiting to be cracked open by someone who’s already engaged. It’s not another billboard in the background, it’s right there, in their hands, mid-conversation, right before they share it with their table.

Let’s get into why fortune cookie advertising is giving traditional OOH ads a run for their money. Spoiler alert: it’s more than just a tasty delivery system.

Traditional OOH: Big, Broad, and Often Ignored

The problem with traditional OOH ads is they’re like a giant megaphone—loud, but not always hitting the right people. Billboards on highways might reach thousands of drivers, but unless you’re selling energy drinks or stress balls, you’re probably missing your core audience.

This spray-and-pray method leads to a lot of wasted impressions, and let’s face it, most of us aren’t exactly soaking in those messages. It’s like shouting into a void—just with more expensive real estate.

Ad Blindness: The Invisible Elephant in the Room

Ever notice how you can pass by the same billboard for weeks and not remember what it’s for? That’s ad blindness. We’ve all gotten pretty good at filtering out ads, especially when they’re plastered on every available surface. Traditional OOH has to get louder and flashier just to be noticed. And sometimes, it just feels a little desperate.

Now, fortune cookies? They’re the opposite of that. Instead of shouting your message at anyone within a 10-mile radius, fortune cookies deliver your brand to the right people at the right moment—when they’re relaxed, eating, and way more likely to pay attention.

And the numbers back it up. Only 20% of people pay attention to TV ads, while a staggering 92% open their fortune cookies. That’s a massive difference in engagement. Even better? 63% of people remember their fortune compared to just 10% for TV ads. It’s no wonder fortune cookie campaigns also deliver a 19% purchase intent rate. That’s serious ROI for something that comes with dessert.

“With TV and radio ads, people are being entertained by something they're actively watching or listening to, and you're interrupting it. It's hard to delight people and surprise people anymore. With OpenFortune, there’s no interruption. Consumers are going into the cookie, and it's a surprise and delight, so they’re specifically engaging with your ad.”

Tom Hutchison

VP of Marketing, Jockey

Strategic Placement: Be Where It Matters

The best part? You get to place your message exactly where your audience will be. This isn’t like hoping someone catches a glimpse of your billboard on their commute or spots your ad during a podcast. With fortune cookies, you know exactly where your message is landing and who’s receiving it.

Want to reach college students? Drop your fortunes in campus cafés where they’re grabbing a quick bite between classes. Your message is there when they’re relaxed, socializing, and more likely to engage with something new. Targeting business professionals? Slip those fortunes into high-end restaurants in financial districts, where deals are being made and your brand is now part of their dining experience. Looking to capture the family demographic? Get your fortunes in family-friendly restaurants, where kids will beg their parents to read the little slip aloud.

It’s not about casting a wide net and hoping someone, somewhere, sees your ad. With fortune cookie advertising, you know your audience will see it—and better yet, they’ll remember it. The right message, in the right place, at exactly the right time.

Fortunes that Resonate: Creating Memorable, Personalized Moments

Here’s the thing: no one’s really leaning in to talk about a billboard. It’s passive. It’s background noise. Even the most creative ads on a bus or a building are something people pass by on their way to somewhere else.

When someone cracks open a fortune cookie, it’s an experience. There’s anticipation. People actually want to know what’s inside, whether it’s a funny prediction or a thoughtful piece of wisdom. And that curiosity extends to your brand message. It’s not just another ad—it’s part of a moment that feels personal.

People read them aloud, laugh about them with friends, and assuming you’re creative is on point, they’ll often snap a picture to send to friends or share on social media. Your message goes from a slip of paper to a conversation, from a fun moment at the table to an Instagram post, TikTok, or tweet.

That’s a connection billboards and digital screens can’t even touch.

Lucky Numbers: Fortune Cookie Success

We’ve talked about how fortune cookie ads cut through the noise and create memorable experiences. But how does that actually play out in the real world? It’s one thing to throw out percentages and recall rates, it’s another to see these little slips of paper making a big impact.


To promote the perks of switching to their service, Verizon partnered with OpenFortune, coining the verb “perk” and sprinkling it into fortunes nationwide. The result? An 81% brand recall, with 8% of recipients sharing their fortunes online.

As part of their rebranding, used OpenFortune to drive consumers toward their next vehicle purchase. Car-themed fortunes led to a 65% unaided recall, and 15% of recipients snapped photos of their fortunes, boosting engagement and shareability.


Duolingo hit the jackpot by slipping their message into fortune cookies. A single organic post featuring the fortune exploded on TikTok, amassing 2.5 million views, 554K likes, and 46.1K shares. It also increased the likelihood of users choosing Duolingo for language learning by 15.5%.

Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune cookie advertising is smart, precise, and personal. If you’re ready to stop blending in and start getting noticed, then book a call with OpenFortune and we’ll make your brand the talk of the table.

Fortune Favors the Bold Fortune cookie advertising is smart, precise, and personal. If you’re ready to stop blending in and start getting noticed, then book a call with OpenFortune and we’ll make your brand the talk of the table.

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