Debunking The 4 Biggest Myths About Fortune Cookie… | OpenFortune
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22 Aug 2024

Debunking The 4 Biggest Myths About Fortune Cookie Advertising

Randy Ginsburg

It’s never been harder to catch consumers’ attention. Our feeds are flooded, our inboxes are overflowing, and our attention spans are shorter than ever. Brands are shouting into the void, hoping their message will somehow cut through the noise of content competing for our precious time. But here’s the thing: it’s not just about being loud. It’s about being memorable.

With traditional marketing often fading into the background, smart marketers are on the hunt for fresh, innovative ways to truly resonate with their audience.

Enter fortune cookie advertising—a marketing strategy that delivers branded messages to audiences by way of, well, fortune cookies.

Now, we know what you might be thinking. Fortune cookies? Isn’t that just a quirky after-meal treat? But hold on, because we're about to debunk some myths and show you why this ad medium might be the secret ingredient your marketing mix needs.

Myth #1 - Fortune Cookies Are Just Gimmicks

Sure, fortune cookies are fun and unconventional. But don't let their crunchy exterior fool you - these bite-sized bits of wisdom pack a punch when it comes to leaving a lasting impression and inspiring action.

When Elon Musk tweeted a fortune cookie message, it racked up over 450K likes on X, proving its viral potential. Morning Brew co-founder Austin Rief also shared how a fortune cookie gave him the push he needed to go all-in on his company. And let's not forget Spanish golfer Jon Rahm, whose cookie predicted his 2023 Masters win years in advance with a fortune that read “Your talents will be recognized and suitably rewarded.”

These aren't just amusing anecdotes - they're evidence that fortune cookies have the power to create unforgettable moments that resonate with people, whether that's sparking massive engagement, inspiring life-altering decisions, or even predicting future success.

Myth #2 - Fortune Cookies Lack Scale & Precision

If you think fortune cookies can’t go big, think again. At Open Fortune, our campaigns have distributed millions of cookies. Between Capital One, ZipRecruiter, and VeeFriends we distributed over 20 million alone. These campaigns gained millions of social impressions, further proving the cookies’ viral potential. Plus, you can target specific demographics and locations, like how San Jacinto College distributed cookies around its Texas district.

And with fortune cookies, you can get hyper localized and target specific demographics in a way that's very challenging with billboards or TV spots. Want to reach affluent customers? Place your branded fortune cookies in high-end restaurants. Trying to connect with college students? Distribute them in popular campus hangouts. The possibilities are endless, and the targeting is precise.

Myth #3 - Fortune Cookies Don't Generate Real Engagement

Let's look at some facts. Fortune cookie advertising generates 62% unaided brand recall. That's nearly two-thirds of people remembering your brand without even being prompted. But there's more - 25% of cookie recipients are so intrigued that they actively seek out more info about the brand. And for every QR code scan, we're seeing 8x more brand searches. These cookies are sparking serious curiosity.

The impact doesn't stop there. When people discover a particularly witty or profound fortune, they can't resist sharing it on social media. This organic sharing acts as a powerful form of earned media, expanding the reach of your campaign far beyond the initial cookie recipients. Suddenly, your brand message is popping up in feeds and timelines, shared by enthusiastic fans who've become unofficial brand ambassadors.

On the viral front, one organic post featuring Duolingo's clever fortune cookie message racked up 2.5M views, 554K likes, and 46.1K shares. Staples also saw a 33% jump in brand conversations and a 19% rise in search after their fortune cookie campaign.

This isn't a fluke. Clients who initially side-eyed fortune cookie advertising are now singing its praises. The secret ingredient? Emotion. These aren't just ads - they're moments of surprise, delight, and sometimes profound realization, all wrapped up in a tasty treat.

Myth #4 - Fortune Cookies Can't Compete with Traditional Advertising

We get it. Traditional advertising methods like billboards and TV commercials are the go-to for many businesses. But here's the thing: fortune cookies offer a level of personal connection that traditional ads simply can't match.The only time people pay attention to a TV ad is during the Superbowl. Then people talk about it, share it on social, and remember it…Maybe it’s why Gary Vaynerchuk compared us to the Superbowl.

When someone cracks open a fortune cookie and finds a message that resonates with them, it creates a memorable moment—a "just for you" moment in a world of mass communication.

Much like billboards, doling out millions of cookies creates a perception of scale. But unlike billboards, which you might glance at briefly, fortune cookies create the 1:1 emotional connection with your audience that we mentioned above. In fact, when pitted head-to-head against billboards in the same market with identical messaging, OpenFortune's cookies scored 78 QR scans compared to the billboards' 22

Plus, people love sharing their fortunes on social media. Fortune cookie messages are shared at a rate of 6%, compared to just 2% for billboard ads. It's like having an army of brand ambassadors spreading the word for you.

While only 20% of people pay attention to TV ads, a whopping 92% open their fortune cookies. And when it comes to remembering the message? Fortune cookies knock it out of the park with 63% of people remembering their fortune, while TV ads have a mere 10% recall rate. But here's the cherry on top: 19% of people who read a fortune cookie message are inspired to purchase the product, compared to TV ads with only 14%.

The Future is in the Cookie

Sometimes, the most unexpected approaches can yield the best results. Your brand’s next big break might just be one fortune cookie away. Why not take a crack at it?

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Fortune cookies or Digital cookies?  We'll leave this choice up to you.